'Be who you are and say what you feel because, those who mind don't matter and, those who matter don't mind.' ~Dr. Seuss

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Free at last...

Today is the day! We got the cast off--Drew continues to amaze us. I told the woman removing the cast she may want to shut the door, cuz the loud saw would probably freak him out. It didn't. He giggled. She cut the top half off, and sent us home to take the bottom half off when we got home--he can't sit yet so we couldn't put him in the car seat. We were told to expect pain, spasms, sensitivity and general crabbiness for the next week or so, while his legs get used to moving again and the muscles warm up. We kept the bottom of the cast on for a while, while he laid there, to see what he would do. He started wiggling his feet, and pulling his legs up a little at a time. We had given him some tylenol before we left the doc, and an hour into it, he is moving his legs and not crabbing! I am sure the meds are helping. His legs are still really tight--we will put him in a warm bath and massage tonight. He can weight bear in a couple weeks and start therapy then too. Till then, it's baby steps.
We are having a CAST OFF-DANCE OFF tonight--but Drew won't be doing much dancing. At least I can hold him and dance with him now!!!!! I am breaking out my ABBA greatest hits CD for the occasion. :)
Thanks for all the support this past month...Drew is a trooper and we are so proud of him.
We remember those who were lost 7 years ago--most importantly, Thank God for our soldiers who keep us free and safe.


Wolo Girlz Mom said...

HOORAY! I wish I could join you for your ABBA dance party...but someone has to lead a dull life :) Might as well be me.

I can only imagine the amount of relief that Drew (and you) is feeling right now. I hope that crabbiness from pain stays at bay. Do you guys use valium for muscle spasms? That stuff works wonders for Kylie.

Here is to a nice bath tonight and speedy recovery time. Hip hip hooray.

Terri said...

Ok Drewski! I am holding you to my dance with you when I see you next. That should give your hip enough time to get strong and for the aches and spasms to go away. Can't wait buddy!!!! You rock. Hey, and don't forget to thank your mom and dad for taking such great care of you. They are awesome parents.

Hugs and sweet songs to boogie too you! Love ya, Terri

Thought for the Day

It isn't how you walk in life, but how you walk through life that matters.