'Be who you are and say what you feel because, those who mind don't matter and, those who matter don't mind.' ~Dr. Seuss

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Summer of 2012

Drew rocking it out at Therapy.  This is the first time he has done these exercises without assistance. 

Other cool things in the last month:  He picked out a cool watch with Kylie and Aunt Joan and everytime someone asks him 'what time is it?' He looks at it and laughs.  As if to say 'we both know I have have NO IDEA how to tell time!'  But he knows what a watch is, so that is good. :)

Also, the his bus driver told me today that he said 'hi' to her.  I think she might just be saying that to make me happy, but he has said words before, never to be uttered again.  Those words include 'GO!' (repeating me telling our dog that when Drew was 3)  Blue (Blue's clues) Erin (he saw my niece come down from her room at the cottage) and Elmo.  He used to say 'av-mm' which sounds like 'movie' backward wanted to watch a movie, but he figures I can just read his mind now.  LOL

Once in a while, he busts out approximations of words, but when I try to have them repeated, he tunes me out and pretends I am speaking a foreign language.  I love that about him...he thinks he really invented the 'sassy kid' schtick.  When I call him out on it, he laughs.  Oy.

Oh, yah!  He hung onto the hammock for the first time too, this summer. 
Chillin with his BFF Madilyn at the Clinton Twp fireworks.
We hope Summer 2012 is treating everyone well!  Peace.

Thought for the Day

It isn't how you walk in life, but how you walk through life that matters.