'Be who you are and say what you feel because, those who mind don't matter and, those who matter don't mind.' ~Dr. Seuss

Sunday, November 23, 2014

So much cool stuff...

Drew continues to ROCK OUR WORLD.  We had a great time last night at the SuperheroTraining Academy event. This a very cool esteem-building, inclusive, fun, teachable-moment, inspiring, fun event.
They have super-villains that our Superhero kiddos can defeat by beating challenges. These challenges are customized for the population they are addressing.  Drew knocked over brick walls, flew through  an 'impossible ' banner, and wrestled an alligator so he could defeat the AlienNation Villain that didn't allow touch.

Some old pics.

Drew's Superhero name was Green Wolverine. He had a headband. And the belief that he had Superpowers. So cool and fun.
These people are mostly volunteers that dedicate their time to at-risk kiddos or those with less opportunities to excel at things. I love the 'dance-off', where the Villains are reduced to changing their ways, cuz the Good guys ALWAYS win in the end.
We are so blessed to have things in our lives that identify and embrace our kiddos. Drew truly ROXX and he is the coolest kid I know.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Drew continues to rock like NONE other. Recently, he decided he could propel his walker by himself ,which is really exciting since we have been working on that skill for 11 years!  I believe the Stem Cell Infusion should be credited for all of the progress he has made in a short time, since we have been working so hard on so many things for so many years and in the last year or so things are really coming together.
Sitting up, answering quicker and more accurately (in his own way) and propelling his walker and his bike are the newest successes this bad-A can credit to his hard work, stubbornness, and determination. I ask him every day to not stop trying, keep working hard and he will be rewarded.  He wants to move independently soooooo badly. He has broken several wheelchair/strollers/bath chairs/orthotics.  Thank God for the patience of his DME professionals and therapists!
We had an awesome family trip in late August.  Drew played in the Challenger Little League Exhibition game in Williamsport, PA (it's on YouTube...check it out!), went to Hershey Park where 'No Fear Kijek' went on rides that scared the crap outta me, spent a few days taking in the magic/mayhem of New York( loved the subway and Times Square), and finished with our fabulous family in VA for Steve and Virginia's perfect wedding.  We are so blessed to have our family. Drew knows he is loved. They make sure of that :)
Drew's spirit keeps us going and his friends inspire us every day. Never give up, blog friends.  You never know what is possible if you just believe.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

See, what had happened was...

It has been WAY TOO LONG since I posted in Drew Rocks!.  So much has happened in the past months. Forgotten passwords, Challenger Baseball, Last Comic Standing and American Ninja Warrior on TV, and  Facebook and Messenger making it so easy to instantly communicate with people, I have neglected my passion to blog about Drew.  The reason I started this blog was to let the world know how cool, fun, incredible, amazing, sassy, silly and kick-ass my son is.  Here is an update:

The stem cell trial went really well, and Drew is able to sit unassisted (with assistance getting into position), he can hold developmental positions he couldn't before (pre-cursors to natural movement patterns inherent to normally developing kiddos), is quicker to process things and respond and answer in his yes/no manner, and continues to rock our world. 

He still pretends that he has no idea what is expected of him if he isn't 'feeling' it, will crab till he gets his way, and won't eat unless what he wants to watch is on TV.  For example:  Recently, he was crabbing cuz he wanted to leave a place we were at.  I told him 'stop whining for 30 seconds and we will leave'.  Cuz I will be damned if I am gonna cave to my 13 yr old.  Okay, it happens a lot, but not that day. :)

So, I made him wait more than a minute (he has no concept of time) and every time he crabbed I made us start over.  He figured that out pretty quickly and was as quiet as a mouse after 2 times of starting over.  We left, and I felt victorious!  Even though, looking back, he really made out in the deal since I didn't want to leave in the first place.  Ah, well, we pick our battles.

We have been in a really good groove lately.  The Universe is cooperating and we are blessed to be surrounded by amazing family and friends.   Last Saturday was L.O. Palooza, a fundraiser to build a wheelchair accessible park that my friends Kristi and Maggie envisioned.  Our kids are all in chairs, and going to the park usually results in moms and these kids watching others' play on the play scape.  If we raise enough cash, kids like ours can swing on wheelchair platform swings so they can be safely swing with their peers.  Everyone deserves the chance to enjoy a playground.  I told Drew the morning of the Fundraiser ' I wish we had a playground like this for you years ago '. He just smiled his million dollar smile,  as if to say 'but now some kids will'. 

Our kids are so much greater than anyone knows.  Like my boy Logan who, upon seeing my brother extend his hand to shake his Dad's hand when he was introduced to him, put his own hand out there to shake.  Like Maddie, who, every time she sees me, points to Drew like 'there he is! He is yours'! (Drew and Maddie have an arranged marriage so I get her forever. )  Like Nick, who greets me every morning I get Drew on the bus with an exuberant "HI" . Not yesterday though...he dropped the F bomb, he must have been having a bad day.  Like Hailey, who typed out on her Augmentative Communication device ' He is cute' when she found out they were coming to visit.  Like Michael, with his billion megawatt smile that rocks my world.  Like Melissa, who giggles with excitement when she sees us at baseball. Like Addie, who we get to meet next month but feel like we already know her spirit.   Like all of Drew's friends that I am missing here and the pure joy and acceptance they exude all day.  They lighten my heart and give me hope that there is certainly good in the world.  So many of our friends are struggling with so much every day, things that would defeat those less hard-headed and stubborn than we are. We share our strength and thank God for the Warrior Moms and Dads, and Warrior kiddos that keep fighting, despite every.single. obstacle.  There is strength in numbers. Life is ridiculous...I would rather laugh than cry and you make it possible for me to do that.


Monday, January 27, 2014

Oh, Very Young.

This past week has been so bittersweet.  On Thursday, I found out that a classmate of Drew's,  Keith, passed away.  Keith was a cool little guy with a great smile and a loving family.  He was only 11.  For those of you who may not know, those of us with special kiddos don't have the luxury of trusting that our kids will make into old age.  Any little thing can become a huge, life-changing thing at any moment.  It is a unique position for us to be in; we don't have the comfort of trust or faith or confidence that our beloved babies will enjoy a long life.  We plan, direct, manage, over-obsess, micro-manage, hover and otherwise plan for every contingency but to no avail.  We cannot change God's plan.  There are no words to express what those families must be going through.  I can only offer my support and love and tell those families that their kids made an imprint on our hearts and will never be forgotten.  Keith Lewis, Jr.  you will not be forgotten.

I heard on Saturday that a dear friend of mine, Joe Grassi died suddenly of a heart attack.  We were very close in high school, he was a great guy and a he loved his family.  He was so proud of his children.  I love that I am still in contact with so many of the St. Anne crew--we were friends and connected in a special way before life unfolded its complicated and messy way.  We lost touch after St. Anne closed and we finished High School in different schools.  We reconnected through Facebook and I am so grateful we did.  Some of the best memories I have of High School include Joe and his best buddy Tony.  You will never be forgotten, Joe. 

The reason I started this blog was so all of you could know Drew and how cool and full of life he is.  How lucky I am (with his help) to LIVE, not just exist.  People say 'You only live once'...but the reality is you LIVE every day. Make the most of it. Every day.  Love each other.  Forgive each other.  Have fun. Experience things.  Make memories. Enjoy the ride.  Love you, Blog Friends.

Thought for the Day

It isn't how you walk in life, but how you walk through life that matters.