'Be who you are and say what you feel because, those who mind don't matter and, those who matter don't mind.' ~Dr. Seuss

Friday, July 11, 2008

4th of July weekend

Finally, I am blogging about our weekend and posting a few pics!
We had beautiful weather all weekend. We left Thursday am, and traffic wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
We had a few friends up there (missed Lolly!) and packed in as much fun stuff as we could. We hung out at the beach on Friday, then went back to beach to watch the fireworks. It was a great show--there were a ton of people there. We went into Tawas on Saturday and walked around, then had a fun evening meeting the guys for Vegas Night at the clubhouse and a smaller fireworks show. Sunday we stuck close to the cottage, as Drew was wiped out from all of the walks, beach time, grilling out, sightseeing, and that awesome up-north fresh air.
We hope everyone had a great weekend too.

1 comment:

Wolo Girlz Mom said...

FINALLY!!! Just kidding :) All of the pictures are great. And I forgot how napping on a hammock could be so peaceful.

Thought for the Day

It isn't how you walk in life, but how you walk through life that matters.