'Be who you are and say what you feel because, those who mind don't matter and, those who matter don't mind.' ~Dr. Seuss

Monday, October 20, 2008

Homecoming OMG!!!!

Here are a few shots of my girls--Kylie, Erin and Morgan. Morgan is in the yellow dress. They had ---OMG----HOMECOMING last weekend! Mommy doesn't know how to set the camera correctly, and erased a few really cute pics of me, Erin and Morgan at the Madigan's house. :( Then, the camera was only saving like 6 pictures at a time, cuz somehow it got set to a weird billion-resloution pixel thingy. Anyway, now I have to wait and bug Aunt Joan and Aunt Jen for better pics of my beautiful cousins.
Sounds like a good time was had by all at HC, and mommy and I had fun being a part of the festivities. We followed Morgan and Aunt Jen to Sabrina's house for pictures and they got a limo!!! Aunt Joan had bunches of kids coming and going from her house for pictures and (of course!) had a ton of food and drinks for the kids. Mommy says it seems like just yesterday that she was at homecoming. I saw pictures, and her hair was waaaaayyyy bigger than Kylie, Erin and Morgans. She said something about back-combing it and that was 'the look' back in the day. whatever! She and Daddy went to a couple homecomings together. He had a sort of mullet looking thing. I am glad that people are opting for more subdued hair styles these days.
My girls are so so smart and beautiful inside, it gushes out and makes them beautiful on the outside too. :)

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Thought for the Day

It isn't how you walk in life, but how you walk through life that matters.