'Be who you are and say what you feel because, those who mind don't matter and, those who matter don't mind.' ~Dr. Seuss

Monday, August 11, 2008

Roll on, Roll on Roller Coaster...

Song Lyric I can't get out of my head today:

Roll on Roll on Roller Coaster We're one day older and one step closer
Roll on there's mountains to climb Roll on we're on borrowed time
Roll on Roller coaster Roll on tonight

If you don't have Kid Rock's new album, Rock n Roll Jesus, get it!

Drew's surgery is scheduled for tomorrow at 8:30am. It should only be a couple hours, then we will be in the hospital for a day or two. Check back in a few days for pics and updates.


Wolo Girlz Mom said...

We are praying for you Drew (and your mommy/daddy too)! I know everything will be successful tomorrow.
Big hugs from the Wolo Girlz!!!

Wolo Girlz Mom said...

Forgot to say....text me (if you have time) when he comes out of surgery.

Terri said...

Team Kijek,

God will be with all of you tomorrow. You are strong. You are knowledgeable about all that is Drew! You are devoted, loving parents and partners.
We all love you and will be thinking about you.

Little M'An, you get to go to sleep for a long day tomorrow. That is the easy part. When you wake up, things might get a little harder but mommy and daddy, and so many other family members will be there to help cheer you up and figure out what you need. Remember that when this is all done, you will be so much better off. And I am so looking forward to having lots of dances with you, my sweet. So be strong for now. I know you will do well. I believe in you my buddy!

From all of us in VA..... all the best. Love you, Terri, Pat, and all the kids

Thought for the Day

It isn't how you walk in life, but how you walk through life that matters.