'Be who you are and say what you feel because, those who mind don't matter and, those who matter don't mind.' ~Dr. Seuss

Monday, November 3, 2008

Drew's expressive face

Chris got these pics of Drew as he was talking to him---he was trying to answer sooooooo badly! It's gotta be so frustrating for the kid--considering his lineage of big mouths. LOL :)

I would like to think he is saying: DO YOUR RESEARCH AND VOTE TOMORROW!!! Our soldiers are fighting to keep this the land of the free, home of the brave, so do your part and take a few minutes out of your day to vote!!!!

He is probably saying "Dad, You are the best! I love you!"

1 comment:

Terri said...

Loved catching up on the blog info today. Love the pics too. Sue, Johnny, my kids, Pat and I had a great weekend together. Wish we could all be together more often. Life is what it is. Just know that even though I have to love you from afar, you are always on my mind and in my heart!

Thought for the Day

It isn't how you walk in life, but how you walk through life that matters.