'Be who you are and say what you feel because, those who mind don't matter and, those who matter don't mind.' ~Dr. Seuss

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Is it just me, or...

Do they re-use people on the Today Show Smucker's birthday montage? I swear I have seen some of those ppl more than once!!!!

Hope all is well for anyone reading this. We are great! Had a wonderful weekend and Mom's day with my boys. Drew continues to rock it at Lokomat! His legs are getting more muscular, which is great for the bones! He rocks. Our friend James has started too...I can't wait to hear about his progress; he is the hardest working kid I know.

Even tho more of you are coming to the darkside (FACEBOOK), I hope you keep checking my blog--Terri, this means you! tee hee!!! :)

Wishing everyone a great week!


Terri said...

Ok, I am still trying to figure facebook out. Virginia even told me yesterday, she is still waiting for me to friend her!!! What??? I thought that if I had her on my list, she was automatically added.

But I am back here, checking in on my favorite Drewmeister. I bet by the time you guys come to SC, he will be strong enough to do lap races in the pool, and I am gonna lose! Sheesh, that is another thing about getting old.

Can't wait to see you guys in just a couple of months now. Do your best as always my sweet Drew. Get strong and plan to outrace your old aunt.

So much love your way, A-Terri

Wolo Girlz Mom said...

I love the darkside, BUT I also would not forget to come check Drew out (since you don't post him on there). I am so happy to read that he is doing fabulous at Novi. Go Drew Go Drew!!!
And you are correct, they do re-use some of those pics on the Smuckers Montage. :)
Also, I updated my blog. I was thinking of you with every word I typed. (4 days ago)

Thought for the Day

It isn't how you walk in life, but how you walk through life that matters.