'Be who you are and say what you feel because, those who mind don't matter and, those who matter don't mind.' ~Dr. Seuss

Saturday, May 22, 2010

No Fear.

Gibralter Trade Center in the Clem has their annual Fair going on now. We went last Sunday, and decided to go back today after the rain stopped. They have 'Bike Night' on Friday and Saturday nights...live band in the Pavilion. We hung out at the Fair, then listened to a great band called Room 13. They did everything from Black Eyed Peas, to Stone Temple Pilots. Great band.
The highlight of our night was when we went on the Ferris Wheel. It's the Big Ass one, tallest I can imagine. Luckily, it has the 'gondola' style cars, not the bench seats from back in the day. Those scare the crap out of me...you move a fraction of an inch and it swings like cra-zazy! Plus, with Drew's lack of muscle control, I was always terrified that he will scoot out of the seat. ANYWAY, with this type, the round, umbrella covered type with the pole in the center of the car--much safer!! It is super tall, tho! Drew is way braver than Chris and me...we were a bit nervous at first, but he was looking around with such wonderment, I learned quickly to relax and enjoy the view.
Next stop was the Roller Coaster. We went on it last weekend too, but I swear, this time it was faster! It was the kiddie coaster, but went fast enough to make my hair fly in the breeze! Drew was allllllll smiles. He anticipated the turns, and where daddy was, and during the biggest hill, he braced himself and I could feel his smile deep in my heart.
He loved the live band too. He watched the kids and adults dance, and loves listening to music. He is so fun to hang out with...my little fearless punkin.
Our first baseball game is Thursday, June 10th at 6:15. We can't wait!

1 comment:

Terri said...

Hmmmmm, something tells me he is a daredevil at heart and a purveyor of fun, like his parents! So glad he had such a great experience.... Now all he has to do is convince Steven and me that everything will be ok! We have a fear of crazy rides at parks!!! Love you, Terri

Thought for the Day

It isn't how you walk in life, but how you walk through life that matters.