'Be who you are and say what you feel because, those who mind don't matter and, those who matter don't mind.' ~Dr. Seuss

Friday, March 19, 2010

Time Flies!!

Boogie will be 9 next Saturday--I can't even believe it! We are having a party here with some of his buddies from school and baseball. We can't wait to get these crazy kids together for his birthday!
I will take lots of pics. I am so happy Spring is here tomorrow. I don't even mind that it will be like, 43 degrees! IT'S SPRING!!!!!!!!! WOOO HOOOOOOO
We are scheduled to start Lokomat again next Monday, the 29th. That is the treadmill/unweighting system/robotic legs thing that we did about a year ago. Drew loved it, and gained muscle mass and coordination during the 8 week session. He is doing great riding his bike in our basement and I told him he can ride it from base-to-base at baseball if he works hard and keeps doing a great job.
Sleep is still an issue for us, but it will likely always be. Drew continues to amaze us and make the world a better place with his engaging spirit and sense of adventure. I love how he sees the world around him; to watch the wonder on his face when he sees the wind blow through the trees, or hear his belly laugh when he sees something unexpected makes my day. Every day.

1 comment:

Terri said...

Hey LIttle M'An! It has been a long time since mommy made an entry here. I miss reading all about your world, day, life!!!! I can't believe you are going to be nine in just a couple of days. I wanted to tell you just how much I love you for inspiring me to be a stronger, more compassionate, caring, fun, forgiving, and interested person about MY whole world. You make me a better person, having you in my life.

I miss your sparkly, smiling eyes. I miss your sweetness. I miss your essence, Little M'An. But I can't wait to see you and have some beach fun this summer. In the meantime, be good for mommy. Keep riding your bike, have fun with baseball, and know we love you more than words can say. Happy birthday too... but I have a card in the mail for you.

Hugs and so many kisses, Aunt Terri

Thought for the Day

It isn't how you walk in life, but how you walk through life that matters.