'Be who you are and say what you feel because, those who mind don't matter and, those who matter don't mind.' ~Dr. Seuss

Friday, October 23, 2009


It has been too long since I have blogged about my love. Thank you Betsy, for 'reminding' me. I wish I had some cool pics to share of the Fall colors, but I don't. So, I am just gonna brag about my boy instead.

We are still on the waiting list for Lokomat. BUT are going to Novi to CHM Rehab for Speech every Wednesday till the end of December. They have this cool machine that can hone in on Drew's pupils using infared and a camera. He can look at pics on the computer and make choices, since it is so difficult for him to use his hands to point or indicate. The therapist says we have A LOT of work to do to get ready for the Mytobi machine. He needs to strengthen his eye muscles and focus. Mostly focus!

We also started Chiropractic. Drew loves it! He like 'ran' into the office the other day...I was holding him up, but he 'ran' without crossing his legs and it was fast! He went about 30 feet in a row! That is huge. He usually goes a few steps then stops.

Next week at school the Halloween Shenanigans begin. Drew loves all the activity. He will be Elvis for his school party, since his teacher is a complete FANatic. He will be Han Solo for the 31st, at the Madigan's and our old stomping grounds.!!! We love going there and seeing our old friends/neighbors.
I gotta get some new pics on here...he is looking more grown up! We hope all is well with our blog-friends. Especially Chelsea!!!! <3

1 comment:

Terri said...

OMG Drew!!!! Every time I see you in pictures or in person, you get more and more handsome, more and more grown up looking!!!! Wow, love, love, LOVE this new school pic and can't wait to get it. (:->)

I am so proud of all you have accomplished my sweet. It is great that you love the chiro, cuz he can help relax your muscles and get things aligned properly. Sheesh, we all could use an adjustment every now and again.

You keep working hard at strengthening your eyes and find the best way for you to communicate with us. I can't wait for that day that we can have some wonderful machine to help you tell us your truth, buddy! We are so excited and interested to hear all you have to share. There will be no more guessing.... just the real thing. We so need that, cuz we have been waiting a long time. We already know your engaging smile that draws us in... but we need more, my sweet nephew.

I miss you so much my heart aches. I hope you feel the same about me. You are truly special and so cherished. Be good and stay away from that dang piggy flu, buddy!!! Love you, Aunt Terri

Thought for the Day

It isn't how you walk in life, but how you walk through life that matters.