'Be who you are and say what you feel because, those who mind don't matter and, those who matter don't mind.' ~Dr. Seuss

Sunday, August 30, 2009

End of an August

We are looking forward to going up north for Labor Day...REALLY hoping that we get some beach days!!!! It is supposed to warm up, I think. All of this Global Warming shenanigans is really jacking with my sinuses and our beach days. That is what we get for not respecting our Mother--jacked up weather patterns and unseasonably cold and warm spurts. I am gonna keep my sunscreen next to our winter coats just in case! LOL

Football season is here, so that is fun! We are looking forward to cheering on Drew's boys (Connor and Brendan) and their teams. GO EAGLES!!!!
We hope this post finds you all well...here are a few shots of Drew lovin' summer!

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Thought for the Day

It isn't how you walk in life, but how you walk through life that matters.