'Be who you are and say what you feel because, those who mind don't matter and, those who matter don't mind.' ~Dr. Seuss

Friday, April 17, 2009

Loko #2

We didn't have Lokomat on Wednesday, the therapist was sick. So today is day 2, and no, I won't be blogging about each session, but I gotta tell ya...little man rocks!~

We are supposed to work up to 45 minutes--he did 20 the first day, which was great! Today, he did 45!!!!! 45 minutes!~ WOOO HOOOO!

It will get more difficult as the weeks go on...he is only bearing half of his weight, and the robotic legs are doing all of the movement, but that isn't bad for a kid who fatigues easily due to lack of movement!!!!!

I am encouraged that he will be moving the 'legs' on his own in no time!!! He WAS listening to her and lifting his knees, so that is good.

Forgot the camera, but will take pics hopefully next week. Mott vs. Sterling in soccer, so we are going to root on our girls on Monday!!! Go Mott! Go Sterling! Go Erin! Go Morgan! Go Kylie! :)
Here are some pics from Easter!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Maureen! Wow I didnt know Drew was doing lokomat. Yes please post pictures! Dr. Dabrowski is recommending it for James we are on a waiting list but with us doing the CECMD we probably will not do it till the fall. I am so excited for him. I love this blogging thing or what ever you call it. I think I am going to do it. Congrats to DREW!! WAY TO GO! Now is he still doing CWJR too? I want to come back in Jan. 2010 to do the suit program again. I got to stop by there. I was looking at CWJR website and WOW they got so many new things now. Thanks again for signing up for the walk a thon. I am so excited about that as well. I am looking into costumes!! LOL! You want to be Princess Leia? Is Drew coming? James is and Brett too. Jackie not, I totally forgot she is going to be a GS camp. I was thinking that Drew and James can be Ewokees or I cannot remember the other names of the characters! Going to be a blast! Tell Chris HI and hugs to Drew!

Thought for the Day

It isn't how you walk in life, but how you walk through life that matters.