'Be who you are and say what you feel because, those who mind don't matter and, those who matter don't mind.' ~Dr. Seuss

Monday, January 12, 2009

Almost 1/2 way there!

Usually, I begin my 'Days till January is over' countdown on the 1st or 2nd of the month. I just realized it is the 12th, and I haven't started the countdown yet! WOOO HOOOO! Maybe it's cuz the snow has distracted me...it is so pretty when it snows. Plus, we can play in it! Maybe it because Drew is cracking me up lately. He is kicking his legs right now, watching the Irish dancers on 'Superstars of Dance'. Watching Chris incorporate the 'curly shuffle' in his dance is good for a few giggles as well.
I so want to take Drew to 'Monster Trucks', but they are coming on the 17th, and we won't be home that day. I think he would love the monster trucks and all the activity. The noise would bug him at first, but he would adjust to that quickly. He is such a boy. Ever since he was really little, the more smash-up, crash-up the better. We used to have Elmo vs. Barney Smackdowns and such. Good times, good times. Oh, yeah...bodily functions kill him too. Boys!!


Terri said...

Too hysterical!!! Boys are a very different breed than girlies for sure. Hey Mo, you had the luxury of growing up with a big bro, that I never had. So when I was trying to raise my boys, I was scared to death!!! They are all grown now and are still that same kind of breed. They taught me how and what to do and think along the way. I know my sweetest Little M'Andrew will do the same. He is amazing and every day is the best gift in the world. Enjoy your gifts. I just wish I could be there to share them with you more often.

Drew, I love you so much. Be good to mommy and daddy and don't let the bathroom jokes out too much. Teeheehee!!! Yeah right, Aunt Terri! NOT!!!!

So much love your way, Terri

Unknown said...

Terri, You were spared the terror of an older brother! remember his 'booger collection' on the wall where the light switch was??? oh, i could on and on and on and on... :)

Thought for the Day

It isn't how you walk in life, but how you walk through life that matters.