'Be who you are and say what you feel because, those who mind don't matter and, those who matter don't mind.' ~Dr. Seuss

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Drew is back!

Drew has NOT been himself the past 2+ weeks. He got bit by something near his eye, and it swelled up. Took him to urgent care 2 weeks ago,and have been to his doctor several times. To make a VERY long story short, he is just now back to being 'Drew'. The fevers, vomiting, listlessness, not eating, meltdowns, and pain that have plagued us seem to be resolving. He laughed for the first time in 2 weeks, is back to eating like a truck driver, and is sleeping peacefully as we speak. Or, as I type :)

Consider this a warning for any bug/spider/ant/critter that is thinking about biting my boy...I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN and it won't be pretty. You will tell your bug/spider/ant/critter friends if you know what is good for you. I can make 6 or 8 little cement shoes if I need to. :)

We had a good time tonight at his game. Grandma and Grandpoo were there again to cheer on the Challengers and Drew. I saw Drew gazing lovingly at Grandma...it was so sweet. There are no games for the next couple weeks. I think it's the 'All Star Break' for us. :) We are having a Fundraiser at CiCi's Pizza at Hall Rd and Schoenherr on July 8th from 5-8. Mention Challenger Baseball and they will donate 10% of sales to us!

We are looking forward to a great 4th of July. God Bless America and God Bless our troops that fight for us so we can have our freedom. We live in the BEST country in the world.

Hope you all have a safe, fun 4th of July weekend!! This is a pic from last year 4th of July at the cottage. He loves his beach!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Hello Summer!!

Today is the first day of Summer, and like I tell Drew...God gave us a beautiful day! We are looking forward to a great Summer. So far, we are having a blast with Challenger baseball, grill-outs with friends, and a few trips to the cottage. We are trying to have Drew ride his bike around the bases (we take one base at a time, & there are no outs so everyone gets a chance to bat) and he did pretty well at the first game. He is actually grabbing the bat and hanging on to it this year! baby steps...
The other pic is from a different game--his friend was helping him around the bases. The bad thing is, they were supposed to be in the field. AND she was heading FROM first TO home. WHILE the other team was up to bat! But hey, we are more interested in the Spirit of baseball than the logistics of it!!! We have a blast, the kids learn about teamwork and patience, and a few skills too.

We are looking forward to our trip to Soulstice--to see Aunt Terri. I will for sure post about our adventures. The Madigan boys are coming with us, and Drew adores his cousins! As do we!!! It should be a blast. We get to see the Annessa kids too. It's win-win!!

Thought for the Day

It isn't how you walk in life, but how you walk through life that matters.