Drew, Danny, Monika and I went to the Palace to see the Monster Trucks this past Saturday. It was fun!!!! Drew wasn't sure what was going on at first, but loved the trucks and the activity. His favorite was a car looking thing on huge monster truck tires. They did a 'wheelie' contest, a 'burnout' contest, a motocycle show and then freestyled it for the grand finale.
The motorcycles were by far his favorite...they jumped super high, over vans and cars and the span was a few hundred feet!!!! I know our next show will be the motocross when it comes to town. He kills me. :)
We always have fun when Danny and Monika come with us...Danny is a cool kid and he cracks Drew up! I bet they will come with when we go see moto-cross!!
Two weeks till Thanksgiving. I am Thankful every day for my beautiful, loving family and friends. Every day is a gift and an adventure. Life is what you make it, and be kinder than necessary...remember everyone is fighting some kind of battle.