'Be who you are and say what you feel because, those who mind don't matter and, those who matter don't mind.' ~Dr. Seuss

Friday, February 4, 2011

Everyday Heroes

We are so blessed to have such great people in our lives. Our family and friends are so important to us; they inspire us, balance us, and enrich us. Almost 10 years ago, Drew's traumatic birth resulted in cerebral palsy, and our lives changed drastically. Our priorities changed. Our outlook changed. We slowed down. We now notice and appreciate the little things in life, and success is measured in Drew's smiles and how comfortable he is. We try to see the big picture, and even though we don't know what the future holds, we are trying to follow our path.

Drew is never happier than when we are up north at the cottage, especially at a Bar/Restaurant called 'Hank's'. Hank's is near our cottage, and we go in there every time we are up. The food is great, the atmosphere is welcoming, and Drew is treated like a Rock Star. Over the years at Hank's, we have gotten to know an incredible group of people who are loving, supportive, and genuine. Some of them are part of a group called the Wertz Warriors, founded by Vic Wertz in 1982 to raise money to fund the Special Olympics. His vision has grown, just as the group has. These Warriors raise money all year 'round for the Special Olympics, leave their jobs and families and homes in the dead of winter for a 900 mile snowmobile trail ride that stretches from Metro Detroit to the opening ceremonies of the Winter Special Olympic Games in Traverse City. Once there, they spend the first hours giving the athletes rides on the snowmobiles and rocking their worlds!

This past weekend, Drew was honored with a green Wertz Warriors jacket by the local crew (Colleen, Jack, Jan, Rachel, Joe, Beth, Koz, Shelly, Brian and Winnie & the rest of the helpers) and declared to be an honorary member of this selfless group. We were so touched and so proud that Drew is so loved. This group raised over $35k for SOMI this year alone! Wertz Warriors as a whole group--over 80 members--has raised $8.5Million in the past 30 years. Incredible. I am always in awe of every day heroes, those who go beyond themselves to help others.

I have always felt that kids have an innate ability to know people's souls. Drew has felt so comfortable with this group for as long as I can remember. He positively LIGHTS up when we see them, or even at the mention of his Hank's friends' names.

We thank God for the people in our lives that accept Drew and love him like we do. For those who can see HIS spirit, as he sees theirs. Thank you.

Thought for the Day

It isn't how you walk in life, but how you walk through life that matters.